First time? Here’s what to expect.

Getting to OH Skin

  • OH Skin can be found in room 1 upstairs in Lash and Brow Boudoir and Skin Salon on 134 Bridge Road, Richmond. Please come into the salon and let the reception staff know you’re here to see Kai, and I will come down and meet you.

Before your appointment

  • If it is your first time at OH Skin, we ask that you book in for the Home Away From Home Wellness Facial or the Housewarming introductory facial only. This allows us to maintain your safety and ensure we have time to do a full consultation and skin analysis before doing any treatments such as peels, LED or microneedling.

  • Please avoid having any waxing, threading, IPL, or laser treatments for a week beforehand to ensure you can get the most out of your treatment.

  • Please avoid using Retinol*, Exfoliants**, or prescription skincare ointments for at least 48 hours beforehand.

*Includes Retinol, Retinal, Retinaldehyde, ‘Retinoid’, or other ingredients labelled Vitamin A.

** Includes scrubs, exfoliating masks, Lactic, Glycolic, Salicylic, Mandelic acid products.

After your appointment,

  • Avoid sun exposure, exfoliants, or Retinol for five days.

  • Do not have waxing, threading, laser, or IPL services for the following week.

Accessibility at OH Skin:

  • There is one flight of stairs to go up in order to reach the room. Unfortunately, as our room is upstairs, OH Skin is not currently wheelchair accessible.

  • Please let us know if there is anything we can do to accommodate your needs ie. low noise/music, large font size paperwork, etc.

  • If you prefer to leave on your undergarments, a hand and arm massage can be performed instead of shoulder and neck massage.

Cancellation policy:

We make every effort to be on time for your appointment to respect your schedule, and we ask that you do the same for us. When cancellations are made with less than 24 hours notice or you do not show up for the appointment, it is taking up time we could’ve given to another client.

When you book in, our software holds your credit card information in a secure, encrypted system as a security deposit. If you cancel or reschedule your appointment within 24 hours of booking or do not show up to your appointment, 50% of the total cost will be taken as a cancellation fee.

We ask that you respect our time as much as we respect yours.

Late arrivals:

We run by appointment and work hard to fit as much as we can into your allocated time. In the event you are running late, we appreciate as much notice as you can give us. Any late arrivals will result in a shortened appointment, so we do not disrupt the appointment of the client after you. If you arrive more than one quarter of the way into the treatment time, we may have to change your appointment to a shorter service or reschedule it for a different day.


Unfortunately, as we do provide semi-invasive treatments such as skin needling, we cannot accept animals into the treatment room as per clinical guidelines for infection control. This is because animals may bring dander on their fur, which can become airborne and pose a risk during treatment.

Client age and consent:

Clients under the age of 16 must have a parent or guardian with them during the treatment duration, and their parent or guardian must also provide consent for the treatment. The treatment will be modified from a neck and shoulder massage to a hand and arm massage, so the client will not take off their shirt.


We do our best to provide you the best service possible and communicate to you the expected results prior to the treatment. As all skin is different and largely impacted by skincare routine adherence and lifestyle factors such as stress, diet, and environment, along with many other elements, it is impossible to accurately guarantee the outcome of a treatment. If you experience an adverse reaction to the treatment, it’s important that you let us know as soon as possible so we can make arrangements to bring you in for a consultation and complimentary LED session if needed. We reiterate the importance of following your therapist’s directions post treatment carefully to prevent unexpected complications and reactions.